Summer Reading 2023
The summer reading program has now ended. Week 7 prize winners will be contacted on Tuesday, August 1st. Thanks to everyone who participated, and keep you eye on our website and Facebook page for upcoming children's events.
Story Time and Movers & Shakers will return in September.
Thank you to our sponsors:
- Bank of New Glarus Board of Directors
- Brenda's Blumenladen
- Country View Veterinary Service of New Glarus
- Creek Bed Farmacy
- Epic Systems
- Eugster's Farm Market
- Friends of the New Glarus Public Library
- Hutch & Hide
- Jim's Auto Service
- Madison Mallards
- New Glarus Bakery
- New Glarus Brewery-Only in Wisconsin Foundation
- New Glarus Lions Club
- New Glarus Utilities
- New Glarus Wasche Center & Storage
- Pizza Hut of Southern Wisconsin
- Roy's Market
- Schuster's Playtime Farm
- South Central Library System
- State Bank of Cross Plains
- Woodford State Bank
- Zentner-Beal Funeral Home
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
Why 1,000 books?
"Everyone wants to do the best for their baby. Looking at books with your child every day is one of the most important things you can do for his/her future. Sharing books together strengthens your child's foundation for learning. Pointing at pictures in a book, saying rhymes, singing songs, writing words, and playing together makes your child more ready for school. Your baby's ability to learn grows from interacting with you, not a screen or educational toy. Plant the seed for lifelong learning by growing a reading relationship with your baby." -Growing Wisconsin Readers
Register Here for 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
We are in the process of revamping our 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten for a new generation of readers! Stay tuned for more information.
Book Bundles
Be sure to ask about our Book Bundles. Each bundle contains a carefully selected stack of library books based on a certain theme, and comes with a packet of educational activities for you to keep!
KidSpeak by Transparent Languages!
You’ve heard it before and it’s worth hearing again: the best time to start learning a new language is as early as possible. The cognitive benefits of bilingualism pay off into adulthood.
The library already offers language learning for elementary-to-adult level learners in Transparent Language Online. We’re happy to announce that now includes KidSpeak, a fun, age-appropriate online language course designed for ages 6 and up!
All you need is a library card to introduce your children to English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Mandarin Chinese. The program teaches words and phrases suitable for learners’ age, needs, and interests. (No “I’d like a glass of wine.” in this course!) More than 40 activities, puzzles, and songs guide young learners through the basics, along with a cartoon “friend” who speaks the language.
To get started, visit our Online Resources page and click on the Transparent Languages icon. You will need to enter your New Glarus library card number, and from there you can create a customized account for your child.
The Friends of the New Glarus Public Library provide children’s board books and bibs to the library for distribution to new babies in the New Glarus area. If you know of an eligible baby who has recently arrived, please contact New Glarus Public Library staff for a special reading care package to be sent to the family. (Please note that we will not send packages until after the baby has been born.)